//prmntobj // PoVRay 3.7 Scene File "prmntobj.pov" // author: dookie x // date: today's the 4th of March, 2017, but I've been dickin' with it for a while... //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #version 3.7; //#include "psky6mod.pov" #include "treeshit.pov" #include "lightpls.pov" #include "camera.pov" #include "prmntxtr.pov" #include "crossobj.pov" //because that's an object, fershures! camera{Camera_C} #declare StandingRock=superellipsoid{ <.31,.21> texture{ SRText } // end of texture translate<0,.5,0> scale <.05,.1,.04> } // ----------------- end superellipsoid #declare StandingRockGrid=union{ #declare Looper=-8; #while (Looper<8) #declare Looper2=-8; #while (Looper2<8) object {StandingRock scale <1,2,1> translate } #declare Looper2=Looper2+1; #end #declare Looper=Looper+1; #end } #declare Letter = 1; //we should start with the first one, eh? #declare CText="Abcdzyne"; #declare KF=array[8] {-1.5,0.610,-.45,-.45,-.49,-.77,-.13,-.41}; // individual kern fudging array by dookiex #declare YF=array[8] {-.05,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // individual height (y-coord) fudging array by dookiex #declare RF=array[8] {-5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // rotate fudging array by dookiex #declare SSF=<.95,1,1>; //the "standard" scale fudge #declare SF=array[8] {<1,1.3,1>,<.95,1.1,1>,SSF,SSF,SSF,SSF,SSF,SSF}; // individual scalefudging array by dookiex #declare ArcRad=-3.69; //originally -3 ---- radius of the arc being traced #declare KernFudgeTot=0; //the total of the KernFudge Array down the train #declare SL=strlen(CText); ; //#declare TextText=texture{pigment{colour rgb 0.9} finish { crand 0.01 }} //the most boring original... andsheez... crand? #declare TextText=texture{pigment {color Yellow*.8} finish {ambient .5 diffuse 0.8 phong 0.3 }} //yella chosen for the UNVERSAL logo opening #declare TextText=texture{pigment {color White} finish {ambient .5 diffuse 0.8 phong 0.3 }} //#declare TextText=texture{T_Brass_4A} //#declare TextText=ShinyTex; #declare PisOText= union { #declare Letter=1; //is that what I was forgetting!? oh, no, it was up there... #while (Letter <= SL) #declare KernFudgeTot=KernFudgeTot+KF[Letter-1]; text {ttf "paramount-new-script.ttf", substr (CText, Letter, 1),0.1, 0 scale SF[Letter-1] // and let's scale the bastard with a freakin vector if we want!! but first though puhleez, so shit stays sensible for the moves.. rotate z*RF[Letter-1] translate x*(Letter+KernFudgeTot) *.5 //the x-linear move translate y*(YF[Letter-1]) //the y-linear move (up and down with the letter) //no_shadow } // end text #declare Letter = Letter + 1; #end //end while texture{TextText} } //end union #declare CubeMtn=box { <-.5, -.5, -.5>,< 0.5, .5, .5> scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,45,0> rotate x*54.5 translate<0,-.29,0> } // end of CubeMtn -------------------------------------- #declare HalfCubeMtn=difference{object{CubeMtn} box { <-2.00, -2.00, -2.00>,< 2.00, 0.00, 2.00> } scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0> } // end of our difference.. #declare NotchBox=box{<-1,.38,0><1,.708,1> rotate < 1,0,-1> rotate y*45 } #declare NHCM=difference{object{HalfCubeMtn} object{NotchBox} } //end all of our differences!! #declare RHCM=intersection{object{HalfCubeMtn} cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,2.00,0>, 0.50 } } //end-o-i-sexing #declare QHCM=intersection{object{HalfCubeMtn} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.2,1.2,1.1> rotate y*45}} #declare SHCM=intersection{object{HalfCubeMtn} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.1,1.2,1.3> rotate y*-45}} #declare SHCM2=intersection{object{SHCM} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.2,3,1.1> rotate y*-45}} #declare QHCM2=intersection{object{HalfCubeMtn} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.2,1.2,1.1> rotate y*35}} #declare SHCM=intersection{object{HalfCubeMtn} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.1,1.2,1.3> rotate y*-45}} #declare SHCM2=intersection{object{SHCM} object{HalfCubeMtn scale <1.2,3,1.1> rotate y*-45}} #declare HCM=object{HalfCubeMtn} #declare BBSign=object{box{<-232.2881355932203389830508474576271,-99,0> < 232.2881355932203389830508474576271,99,1.1>} }