Chalo C
aka Tiny, Texas, Big Show, Jaws

those are 27" wheels with big rubber

I build even more bikes than I break.
Built the tallbike so formidable that CHVNK 666 disqualified it from combat! Built a Yao Ming-compatible Big Wheel. Built a world-beating cargo sidecar. Built a human powered chariot. Built the X-plane, a trike that looks wrong and rides wrong. Helped build the Swing Chopper.  Helped build Woody's pimpin' trike. Performed a renovation upon the vaunted T001.--plus many other less distinguished builds.
   a Chalo chopper bohemian the Whipple bunting babe

Turn Ons: Triple trees, fat slicks, Mexican brandy, LED lighting

Turn Offs: SUVs, cops, large human turds in the road

Zodiacal Info: 4.20.69

©ABCdzyne 03.06.06