for more cryptic interpretations, for more awe, download and install Frankenstein or Berliner, freaky-ass gothic ttf fonts
Send yo digits to Dead Baby Bikes:
names should be of the form: xxxxxxx x, one name and a one letter initial. No, really. you will be edited.
T-shirt Size
(if not s-m-l-xl please specify below)
The number you want (you checked the list, right?) Opens in new window, not disturbing this form, so check it and come right back here.
I should have this number because.... (aka tell me a story) if you fail to check the list for taken numbers, then choose one, you will be mocked incessantly. so don't hit the submit button if you didn't do it.
your e-mail in case you didn't check the list or did something else wrong, or if and when we've figured out ducats:
now make sure it's right before you hit submit, or apologize profusely if you screw it up and end up re-sending it. ONCE is quite enough! If you've already got the confirmation screen, it worked, OK? -- It is NOT instantaneous! --
soon, the Paypal a-comin!! right...
Please don't abuse it. It functions best unencumbered. Once is enough! NOT instantaneous!