for more cryptic interpretations, for more awe, download and install Frankenstein or Berliner, freaky-ass gothic ttf fonts

Send yo digits to Dead Baby Bikes:

Name or other identifier:

names should be of the form: xxxxxxx x, one name and a one letter initial. No, really. you will be edited.

T-shirt Size

(if not s-m-l-xl please specify below)

(and specify below, down below, if bigger you need specify below)
I'll supply my own (dammit!) because I am too sexy for my shirt and will be receiving a acoupla bucks off by getting it to the printers somewhere before they print (07.26.24?) So sexy it hurts! Oh, and ribbed clothing is real tough to print on, and faced with it, we do our bestest of bests. Promise not to sniff any pre-worn shirts too much.
I am a kid, or am rather small in stature and need a youth-sized shirt. (and specify below, down below, and the smaller will specify below)

The number you want (you checked the list, right?)
Opens in new window, not disturbing this form, so check it and come right back here.

I should have this number because....
(aka tell me a story)

if you fail to check the list for taken numbers, then choose one, you will be mocked incessantly. so don't hit the submit button if you didn't do it.

your e-mail in case you didn't check the list or did something else wrong, or if and when we've figured out ducats:

now make sure it's right before you hit submit,  or apologize profusely if you screw it up and end up re-sending it.
ONCE is quite enough! If you've already got the confirmation screen, it worked, OK?
-- It is NOT instantaneous! --

soon, the Paypal a-comin!! right...


Please don't abuse it. It functions best unencumbered.  Once is enough! NOT instantaneous!