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the backside
of Beacon Hill

WORST ride to the ride ever?!? At the BEACON PUB we have 35 strong, weather be damned, and who wanted to leave? In a surprise maneuver, D.Stef and Marine Greg both got their center patches (did I see a tear?) and booze, beer and otherwise, flowed and flowed- they had to go to the grocery store to get more! Was it time to leave when the soooooper drunk Mexican guy started telling us we didn't belong in America? No, when two people were throwing beer at Greg's back in front of the bar? No, it must've been when wheelchair-bound Dave smashed into some guy at the bar, there would have been a fight, but hey, you can't hit a guy in a wheelchair... Dave must've been hurt pretty bad, 'cause he didn't make it to.....

...BUSH GARDEN. A sushi bar you say? Why yes. After some wasted girl told us "no, it's over heeere, up this hiiill" then narrowly avoided death by car, Dead Baby Bikes ended up at a sushi bar... we stayed in the back and they just kept bringing the Sapporo and whiskey. Fine by us. From worst ride weather ever (?!?) to swankiest ride destination ever (!?!), didn't want to overstay our welcome, so I guess even though the weather cleared and it was a beautiful nite, some didn't want to go much further, so hop skip and jump to, where else?

the OWL AND THISTLE? For Fuck's sake, can we simply not not go to the cave/Owl? With the much love we get from the Owl, it's hard to say no. Smoke outside drink inside, it all blurrrrrzzz from there, at least we hit the unholy trinumverate on the worst ride weather ever (TM) and had an absolutely gorgeous ride home in the early am...

always feel free to copy and paste this or any ride report into an email to DBB and embellish your little heart out. and espescially do tell if you've got pictures up. i see flashes on rides, or is that just me?

©ABCdzyne 03.26.07