// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: neckchy2.pov // Vers: 3+ // Desc: @macro BigAssRing(LinksInRing) makes a gorgeous // Date: 02.14.19+ // Auth:dookie x // ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions #include "bykchai2.pov" //has /'bigAssRing macro in it... #macro Axis_( AxisLen, RedTexture, WhiteTexture) union{ cylinder{<0,-AxisLen,0>,<0,AxisLen,0>,0.05 texture{checker texture{RedTexture } texture{WhiteTexture} translate<0.1,0,0.1>}} cone{<0,AxisLen,0>,0.2,<0,AxisLen+0.7,0>,0 texture{RedTexture}} } // end of union "Axis" #end // of macro Axis (AxisLen) //----------------------------------------- #macro AxisXYZ(AxisLX,AxisLY,AxisLZ, TexRed,TexWhite) //-- drawing 3 axes -- 3 Achsen zeichnen -- union{ object{Axis_(AxisLX,TexRed,TexWhite) rotate< 0,0,-90>}// x-Axis object{Axis_(AxisLY,TexRed,TexWhite) rotate< 0,0, 0>}// y-Axis object{Axis_(AxisLZ,TexRed,TexWhite) rotate<90,0, 0>}// z-Axis } // end of union #end// of macro "AxisXYZ(...)" ----------- //-- drawing the axis -- Achsen zeichnen -- #declare Tex_Dark = texture{pigment{color rgb<1,0.3,0>} finish{ phong 1}} #declare Tex_White = texture{pigment{color rgb<1,1,1>} finish{ phong 1}} //----------------------------------------- //object{AxisXYZ(3.5,3,0.0001,Tex_Dark,Tex_White)} //end axes of the system of coordinates --- camera{location <0,0,-50> look_at <0,0,0>} #declare HalfCross=difference{BigAssRing(2) box { <-1.00, -1.00, .00>,< 1.00, 1.00, 2.00> texture { pigment{ color rgb<1.00, 1.00, 1.00>} finish { phong 1 reflection{ 0.00 metallic 0.00} } } } // end of box -------------------------------------- } //endo HalfCross //object{HalfCross} #declare TendonSegment=object{BigAssRing(2) rotate x*90} #declare Start=<7,10,2>; #declare End=<3,-9,-3> ; #declare HowMany=22; #declare BeadSpan=(Start-End)/HowMany; // oh yeah that's it!! /* #declare Looper=0; #while (Looper,<3,-9,-3>,22,2,-13) MakeTendon(<-7,10,2>,<-3,-9,-3>,22,1.5,13) MakeTendon(<-7,9,0>,<-15,3,-1>,11,2,117) MakeCurvyTendon(<12,10,0>,<22,-10,-1>,22,1.5,13,90,5)