// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: skulanim.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: 3 axes of six-pack spinnin', or the skull, yet again... or should I say still? // Date: 031010 // Auth: dookie x #include "skullobj.pov" light_source {0*x color rgb 1.5 translate <3, 0,5>} background{Maroon/1.25} #declare Looper = 0; //six packer, with animation #while (Looper < 6) //object{SkullNTeeth translate z*.80 rotate y*(Looper*60+clock*60)} //rot y object{SkullNTeeth translate y*-1.1 rotate z*(Looper*60+clock*60)} //rot z #declare Looper = Looper+1; // increment our counter #end camera{location<-0, -0, 5> look_at<0, -0, 0.0> sky -y} //camera{location<0, -1.5,9.5> look_at<0, -2, 0> sky -y} /* ^ -y | | *----> +x / /+z L */