Displayed below are some of the objects ABCdzyne has painstakingly manufactured to the exacting specifications of clients, the obtuse reaches of our own imaginations, and the intriguing machination of the real world around us. All objects and scenes were created using the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, a free raytracer available at www.povray.org. I personally cannot recommend it enough. If you, too, fall in love with it, we will share .pov source if you ask nicely.
Bicycle-related A long-time lover of
pedal-powered beasts of the two-wheeled breed, these
objects come in handy for the CAoS and |
Outer Space Most of these were made for my work at Café Venus, for obvious reasons. |
Role Playing Games (2300AD) Built with no concern whatsoever for man-hours involved, these ambitious undertakings are the results of many, many late nights designing, modelling, and adding tiny pieces, and fascinating over minutiae. These models are insanely detailed and take an obscene amount of time to render, using subtly glowing lights, see-through structures and other math-intensive madness, but the ensuing renderings are so beautiful it's almost worth it. Masterpieces! |
Miscellaneous Defying easier categorization, these objects are the result of jealousy, whimsy, and odd imaginings more than anything else. |
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