do not adjust the vertical, do not adjust the horizontal, there is nothing wrong with your monitor, you just need to get a pair of those silly red and blue lensed paper glasses at your local comic book store, and everything'll look fiiine.
Three Dementianality
Red eye left, man!!
If you have a scanner and and art program, you can scan once, swipe the red channel, slide object 1/4 inch to the right (more or less, play games, experiment), scan again, now sepping out the green and blue channels, adding them to the lefterly image's red channel, recombining, and voila!!
If you have POV-Ray, you just render twice with two different camera locations, and do the left R + right G + right B trick again and you've got it without getting your fingers dirty. POV-Ray is FREE to the user, so use it. It rocks.
More later. Search for ANAGLYPH on the web or check out the 3D Webring.