- arguably! -

It takes a village to raise a wild freakin' time.. These are friends of Dead Baby that helped make it happen for year VIII.

Music - 2004

hell promise

suicide jack


audio infidels


dj boo berry

Jake BlöödHag provided expert MC duties.

There were a bunch of bands, as usual. Dan S always does a bang-up job orgamanizing them every year and getting a loud-ass PA and stuff. Bug him early next year if you want to play in 2005, he always gets his shit together way further ahead of time than anybody else, in like June.

Some folks had trouble seeing this band.

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Get your bike bottle.
Fill it up. Refresh. Repeat.
Bill L again worked his magic on the kegs-taps-ice thing.

15.5 gal x 18 = 279 gallons = 2232 pints = 2976 12-ozers

There was a taco-truck this year to soak up the potables, who will be mentioned by name when we figure it out, that Ed S lined up from South Park.

One of two fi-i-ine choppers in the raffle, manufactured locally and donated by Piper Choppers.

The Raffle

Dead Babies aren't exclusively into skill, raw athletic prowess, and pure unadulterated bicycle love. No, there's also gotta be a little old-fashioned luck. And usually we have more prizes than we know what to do with, so what the hell, we raffle them off.

This year we gave away all kinds of stuff from all kinds of folks.. Please visit them and thank them.profusely. Support local business!

prizes from: anchor tattoo, apocalypse tattoo, Bicycle Jesus, chrome ohm tattoo, counterbalance bicycles, DANK bags, mizzdd glass, Piper Choppers










©ABCdzyne 03.06.06